Monday, January 9, 2012

Interesting Facts about Mexican Foods

  • Considered to be very spicy.
  • The most common ingredient used in Mexican food is corn.
  • Typical ingrediant is chili

Traditional Holiday Dishes

  • Mexican Wedding Cookies
  • Rosca de Reyes "Three Kings Bread"
  • Atole etc...

Foods we eat today in the U.S. that came from Mexico

  • Burittos
  • Tacos
  • Chili etc...

Common Foods Served

Avocado mashed with onions, chilies and cilantro (coriander). Served as a dip or as a garnish.
A salsa is actually just a sauce, although it is most commonly associated with the red or green mix of tomatoes, onion, chili and cilantro (coriander) served on your table as a relish or a dip. Beware of ‘salsa habaƱero’ in innocuous bottles like small jars of ketchup, and always try just a little salsa first as a precaution.
This infamous spirit is most commonly served to tourists in the form of a margarita – mixed with lime juice in salt-rimmed glasses. It is actually derived from the maguey plant – a spiky bush often seen growing in fields. Mezcal is a cruder form of Tequila traditionally served with a worm in the bottle – the worm should be eaten when the bottle is finished!
Mexican beers are now known all over the world. Corona, Sol and Dos Equis are common brands, usually served cold and a very refreshing alternative to iced drinks.

The "Typical Meal"

  • Tamales
  • Steamed Beef of Goat
  • Beef with red chili sauce etc...

Meal Schedule

Breakfast: A l ight breakfast eaten first thing in the morning. Coffee, hot coco, or atole(a thick hot drink with corn and rice oats.)

Heavy Breakfast: A heavy breakfast or brunch (egg or meat dish), usually eaten sometime between 9 am - Noon.

Main Meal: Generally eaten between 2-4 pm. May consist of several courses, including soup or salad, a main dish, and dessert.

Final Meal: Usually eaten between 7-10 pm, customs may vary throughout the country. May consist of just a hot drink and some bread.


ginger, oregano, cumin, chili powder